
L’Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia

by - March 07, 2013

These new generation lip gloss stains have intrigued me for awhile. I was particularly lusting after the YSL Rouge Par Couture Glossy Stains for quite some time now but was hesitant about dropping $36 for one. So after seeing the L’Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stains commercials with their glossy awesomeness and reading Sparkled Beauty’s review, the makeup junkie in me caved. I spotted these in Shoppers Drug Mart and I grabbed Infinite Fuchsia.

The makeup junkie in me took over again! That bitch! HAHA no I love her.

L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia
L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia 

L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia
L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia
L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia Swatch
 Infinite Fuchsia Swatch

What do I like about it?

The color; Infinite Fuchsia is a dark pink berry. I was actually taken aback at how berry-ish it came off on my lips. I liked the color though not how it applied.

Longlasting; I put it on at 1 pm (two layers) went out did some errands and then farted around the house. At 5pm, I took a gander at my lips and even though the glossiness was mostly gone, my lips were still holding the color quite nicely (I ate a sandwich during this time as well). At 10pm, I was left with a berry tint. When I was washing my face, I had to actually use baby oil to get most of the stain to come off. I could still see a slight tint in left some places but was too lazy to do more scrubbing and left it.

The packaging; I like the L’Oreal packaging better than the YSL version. The huge angled applicator can be turned around to paint the top lip and bottom lips quite easily. I guess a regular doe foot would work just as well mmehh.

The price; these are a lot more affordable than the YSL Glossy Stains.

What I wasn’t crazy about?

The scent; It has a slight chemically scent. It reminds me of something medicinal but I cannot put my finger on it. After a few moments I didn’t even notice it. But it may be a little off putting for some.

Application; It did take a couple applications to get an even coverage. I used two applications to get the level of color in the picture below. The first layer seemed kinds of uneven. It was noticeable with Infinite Fuchsia. It was sheer in some places and thicker in others. This may not be a problem with the lighter colors.

Drying (not immediate); Infinite Fuchsia wasn’t drying as I wore it. But after wearing it for two days straight, I noticed on the third day my lips were getting dry and scraggly even with lip balm. So I am pretty sure it was the Caresse Wet Shine Stain. It is a lip stain after all. So maybe keep that in mind.

L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stain - Infinite Fuchsia Swatch
Infinite Fuchsia

Overall, I like Infinite Fuchsia. Even though there were a few things I didn’t like about it, they were not deal breakers for me. Other lips stains I have tried (CoverGirl) have dried my lips out like crazy. This only did after a couple days of constant wear.

Would I buy again – um yep. I am going to go get Rose On and On as soon as I find it. It was sold out at the SDM I usually go to so I will have to check at Walmart. J

L'Oreal Color Caresse Wet Shine Stains come in 12 shades and were $12.99 at Shopper’s Drug Mart.

What Caresse Wet Shine Stains have you tried and did you like it?


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  1. I got this colour too and quite liked it. I have to get use the idea of a stain and that even though it starts off glossy, it doesn't stay that way...I'm such a gloss fiend.

    I was lucky that when I picked this up, there were 15x the points!

    1. It is a nice colour. The Junkie made me pay full price and no points LOL Gahhhh

  2. Thanks Shikha it is a really pretty berry. If you want a gloss to last a long time these are the ones to try! :-)

  3. I like these but the smell was definitely off putting the first few times I applied it.. I was wondering if something was wrong with the one I bougt!

    1. I know right?! It ihas a weird smell. Thank god it went away after a few minutes. But the glossiness makes up for it. HA

  4. Wow, seriously gorgeous colour!!!! I wish I loved brights like this when I was younger. It is a bit pricey though, eh?

    1. $12.99? Yes it was pricey especially when they went on sale the week after GULP! I will wait for a sale or hit up Walmart for Rose On and On.

  5. I purchased this last night at Target ($7.99,) after many occasions where I'd had it in my cart only to change my mind before actually making it to the register.

    My color of choice was Berry Persistant. So far I LOVE it! I put it on as soon as I got home, even though it was 9pm. It feels very hydrating, and the color is much brighter than I expected from a stain. I will definitely be trying this in another color soon. That's the junkie in me peaking her head out.

    1. Oh Hi there fellow junkie! These are pretty good stain gloss hybrids! I too was pleasantly suprised at how glossy they were. And how long lasting.


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